Standard is trusted partner in contract furnishing solutions. With expertise spanning manufacuring to installation, we deliver seamless, high-quality furnishings that elevate every space. Whether it’s hospitality, commercial, or any other industry, we handle every detail, ensuring a smooth and stress-free process from start to finish. Let Standard bring your vision to life with precision and style.
Business Development Manager / Member of Supervisory Board +372 501 1488Standard contributed to furnishing of workspaces and provided a complete solution, including production, delivery, and installation.
Exmet Grupp’s new office was furnished with special furniture from Standard.
The new Elektrilevi training center building is furnished with special Standard furniture
Standard furnished the luxurious hotel rooms of Georg Ots Spa with high-quality furniture. Enjoy your vacation!
Enefit new office in Tartu was fully furnished with workplace and meeting room furniture of Standard.
Standard helped to renovate all 236 hotel rooms for modern Nordic Hotel 4+ star category hotel.
Standard helped to renovate all 206 hotel rooms in the largest hotel in Kaunas – Park Inn by Radisson Kaunas.
The iconic The Grand Hotel Birmingham has been restored to its former glory after almost 10 years of renovation and is waiting for visitors again.
Standard produced the furnishings of all the rooms of the hotel in the city centre of Ghent, Belgium.
This stylish and spacious hotel in central Leipzig, Germany is a cosy place of stay for every visitor of the town. Standard produced the furniture for rooms and common areas.
Citybox is the best example of innovative and modern design for a contemporary guest. The self-service hotel is affordably priced and located in the heart of Tallinn. Standard has produced the furniture for the hotel rooms and the public areas.
Kopenhaagenis avati 2019 suvel hotell Scandic Falkoner, mille renoveerimisel oli Standardil suurepärane võimalus kaasa teha – 334 numbritoa ja avatud ruumide fikseeritud mööbel valmistati, tarniti ning paigaldati just Standardi poolt. Scandic Falkoner on mainitud muuhulgas viie kauneima disainhotelli hulka Kopenhaagenis:
4-tärniline AC Hotel Riia asub võluvas Art Nouveau piirkonnas, mis on vaikses piirkonnas südalinna serval. Hotellis on 239 tuba ja sviiti, millest Standard valmistas kõikide tubade mööbli (va voodid, tugitoolid, diivanid).
Kopenhaagenisse avatud esindusliku hotelli Radisson Collection Royal Hotel ehitas Standard avatud osa, nii restorani kui ka baari (sh elekter, ventilatsioon jne) ning valmistas mööbli. Kokku paigaldati mööblit 254 tuppa. Radisson Collection Royal Hotel on nimetatud maailma esimeseks disainhotelliks.
Helsingi kesklinna lähedal sadama asub kaasaegne ja nauditav hotell Radisson Blu Seaside, mille hubased toad ja sviidid on sisustatud Standardi meistrite poolt.
Scandic Continental hotell asub Stockholmi kesklinnas ja on seega mugavaks peatuspaigaks nii äri – kui ka puhkusekülastajatele. Standardilt valmis hotelli jaoks mööbel mugavatesse ja hubastesse tubadesse.
See suurejooneline hotell asub Müncheni lennujaama 1. ja 2. terminali vahel. Muljetavaldava klaasfassaadiga hotellis on basseiniga spaa ning ööpäev läbi avatud jõusaal. Tubadel on suured helikindlad aknad. Standardist läks hotelli 162 toa sisustus ja seinapaneelindus.
Stiilsed ja ilusad katusekorterid Reykjaviki kesklinna klaasmaja 20ndal korrusel on sisustatud Standardi mööblilahendustega. Katusekorteritest avaneb imeline vaade linnale ja merele.
Standard had the possibility to make the furniture in all rooms and suites in the first Hilton hotel in Estonia. Hilton Tallinn Park was opened in 2016. The hotel is located in the city centre, with a wonderful view to Tallinn Old Town and seaport.
Mere ääres paiknev hotell asub Helsingi kesklinnas, Hakaniemi turuhallist vaid 5-minutilise jalutuskäigu kaugusel. Hotellitoad on sisustatud Standardi valmistatud eritellimusmööbliga. Hotell valmis arhitektuuribüroo Doos Architects abil, arhitektiks oli Brownwynn Welsh.
Hotell Radisson Royal Blu Viking on elegantne ja modernse sisustusega hotell, mis asub Stockholmi pearaudteejaama kõrval ja ainult 8-minutilise jalutuskäigu kaugusel raekojast. Standardilt läks hotelli avalike ruumide interjöör ja mööbel.
A legendary hotel in central Tallinn, which underwent renovation in 2014. Standard produced the furniture of all rooms.
The luxurious five-star hotel in the Old Town of Tallinn is located in a building constructed in 1878. In this luxurious hotel with a special historic feel, the furnishings of all rooms and suites were produced by Standard.
Standard’s cooperation with HACK interior furnished the Apollo cinema in Vilnius.